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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Legal Agreement For Downloading My Exploitations


This is the legal bullshit for the thing I do. This is an agreement between me and you.
But first let me get this striaght, this "legaL" stuff is just an idea created by me and the others of the modding community. In all technicallity, it is non-existant.
So, here is where you can decide to act on your own free-will or follow my humble little request.

1)Please, please do not redistribute this mod. I will exploit this mod for you and take the bullets - and believe me, there will/have already been some.

2)Yes I give you the password, but PLEASE do not give it to others. this is my way of slowing the "exploitation" process down a little. It will happen, it is inevitable, but I am trying to slow it from happening. If you want to give it to someone, give them my email and instructions on how to get the mod. I am going to be a bit rude on this; if the email is not subjected properly, I will not give a password (the subject is not exactly case sensitive though).

3) This is for those who request a mod. I doubt this will happen, but in the event it does, ONLY request mods that are hard to find and have been stripped from the popular Oblivion mod websites. If the mod is still in active production, and the modder is still actively uploading, do not request it, you can get me in big trouble, and I do not support this type of exploitation.

4)Yes I am exploiting this mod, but I need you to understand the difference between me and the vast majority of the other exploiters; I am distributing mods that have since died and are no longer easily accessible. Many other exploiters take still active modders work, and take it for fame, or other gains. This I believe is wrong.

5) Understand I am not redistributing to steal credit, quite the contrary, I am redistributing to give praise to these modders - even if this not exactly how they want it shown, because I know they are more pissed at me for doing this than appreciative. But a quick note; If I leave the modding community, and see my mods being redistributed against my terms, I would be glad to know that my work was appreciated so much people would feel the need to put it back out there.

When you send me an email, this is essentially your way of agreeing to this contract, so now, if you wish to download a mod, follow the instructions below;

Email me at a email I set up just for you guys to contact me out (to also help keep spammers out of my other emails I need)

dontexploitthesystem (a) yahoo (dot) [com]

and title the subject: "I Will Not Exploit [mod name]" (important: please read contract agreement number 2 above).

inside the email request the appropriate password, and send it.

Unfortunately, I must regulate as much as possible, so if you want multiple mods you must send separate emails for each separate item.
This email is not automated, it is ran by me, a human, made of flesh, muscle, nerves, a mind, and reproduction capabilities. Often times, I experiance life dilemas, causing it to be hard to reply. So please be patient, I will reply the moment I get a chance. I try to be sure and check it ATLEAST once a day, and on weekends - if I am not busy - I check it multiple times.


Q: I sent you an email a long time ago (over a week or more) and have not recieved an email back:
A: Several possible solutions, the first one I want to say is be sure to read the second agreement above: "if the email is not subjected properly, I will not give a password"

If that didn't help, then maybe I typed the email wrong, or you typed it wrong. check your spelling, while I check mine: dontexploitthesystem (a) yahoo (dot) [com]

Lastly, also make sure you followed all the instructions properly (title being one of them) but also don't forget to put text inside of the email. If it is blank, I will delete it.

Q:Why should I give a damn about your "legal" agreement?
A: You don't, but I am asking you do.

Q: Why is everything so specific JUST to get the mod?
A: The password is to prevent peopel to just take it because it is available. This password shows people who will take the effort to get the mod, this means there is a 60% chance that you are using this mod exactly how you want to: For enjoyment. The subject is because there is a chance those who just want to exploit it actually took the time to send an email, but a small chance (5 - 10%) that they don't care enough to follow the proper steps. And also, the title helps me know which mod you want what password for.

Q: I am working on X modding Project, would you help (us)?
A: No. Suffice to say, I don't play much Oblivion alone, and due to the construction set's bugginess, I rarely mod anymore. I can offer help through words by giving advice on what I see in screen shots and what I read as far as description of your mod, but I will not put your beta into my game and test it, nor will I open the CS to take a look and fiddle with it. And I can't make 3D models so can't help you there.

Q: Email me to ask any questions,
A: title the subject "Q&A [optionally if it makes you feel any better you can also put your question in the subject here]"

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